Labour's Pain

Ever wondered what happens to an idea which has long been simmering inside one's head and may have gathered some momentum along the way. Some execution, implementation efforts to bring it to reality may have also been ongoing for a while?

Well bringing anything to life has many similarities to the birth of a new born. Nine months of carrying the baby within its womb, mother and very much the entire family undergoes a sort of tiptoed dance looking after the mother and the baby to be born. Everyone does whatever they can to make the journey as comfortable as may be feasible and beyond. Multiple visits to the doctors clinic for regular health checkups and required progress monitoring dietary care, all happens with a sense of welcoming someone new to the family much before it physical arrival, one that can be seen as well.

When the time to deliver the fruit of love approaches, mother has to undergo labour pains a pretty painful gainful process. Mother is advised to push push push till the baby finally gets out of its comfort life bag and into the world that it had only imagined what it would be while enjoying its luxurious float zone inside mother's warm womb that brought every nourishment it needed right into its body through the umbilical cord. The mother screams (almost), ferociously at times at the people around attending to her ordeal. Even helplessly clinching hands in attempt to get through with whats happening without any further delay. She may even give up at times in between, however is asked to continue with the selfless effort. She pushes again, yells, feels almost hopeless at a point when she perhaps reaches a peak of forbearance and gives a final call to someone up and beyond, a force that though unseen yet available to one who reaches out with almost immediate response begging praying for it all to end...!

And before its too late, labour pains succeed in bringing new one to life. 

An idea and a baby birth have much in common. When working tirelessly on bringing a new article needs a creative urge to spring up in the mind space, actually making an effortless effort to begin writing it out on a paper or device, seeing it come alive l e t t e r  b y  l e t t e r, word by word, is quite a happening that is most often not even looked at. Much like when we are focused on the goal, sometimes we forget to enjoy the journey towards it. Have you ever wondered too...?

Writing a book that has never been done before and will never get done again, is much like the birth of a new born. The author has to go through all the motions of a mother, sometimes excited to hear the little feet tap on the tummy, sometimes anxious of why the movement has not occurred in a while. And having it published is much like the labour pain. Push push till it gets delivered, or at least ready for delivery...

In fact even a small individual article perhaps undergoes similar phases before its out in front of the unknown reader. If one were to imagine how a reader would receive it and arrest the creative streak because some reader may not like or understand what you shared, then nothing would ever get written or shared for that matter. When creation happens, the nature sings along, the divine music plays on its own tune, the entire universe experiences a kind of ecstasy unknown unheard ever before.

Hence, therefore, let the writing, sharing begin, letting it out isn't the first step, it may even be the last one that you may take before your last moment.. who knows.. when the end of this physical era happens, when a new beginning begins.... how can one ever predict the unpredictable, so why be over concerned with when the book will complete its journey from the author towards the prospective readers...? It is said when the nectar is ready bees arrive, if the sharing is from the heart, the flow of creative juices unobstructed, where is the reason of it not triggering something deep within the reader whenever it gets into his hands... who knows, who has seen, how does it all matter anyways, for by the time it does reach its destination, who knows whether one will really be there to witness it all.... who knows...! 

While many similar things may have been shared, many ideas may have been executed and perhaps found an appreciative reader, they are unique and completely new in the moment they are created or read for each moment is ever fresh, new and completely incomplete...! 

There is much to explore in nature, so much more to unlearn and learn from it. If only one steps back a little out from the boxed life one lives in mostly, gets into a slightly different dimension, allowing the inevitable invisible hand to begin the flow of symphony it wills to thus create, magic begins to happen. A miracle may even manifest....!

Whether it does or does not by the time one would have gone through the mysterious roller coaster ride enjoying all the bumps, curves, turns, u-turns, highs and lows, falls and rises.... the fun of it all that kept you in the moment would have perhaps paid off for the purpose it all held deep within.

...... may be continued....!


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