the penultimate churning

Someone who claims to transform your life or organization perhaps doesn't know it at all. For its a very spontaneous happening that happens only when it happens to happen....

Yes, an environment conducive for transformation to get triggered, is feasible to create. Yet there's absolutely no guarantee whether it will get initiated or not. Whole mechanism of it can best be understood by the eternal churning of the oceans that occurs once every reboot cycle.

External churning can be related to, may be noticeable, however, the internal churning is something to only ponder and wonder about, for its completely an invisible process. The ramifications could be seen externally though, the impact on environment can be sensed, yet the inner stuff is way beyond limited visions capturing capabilities.

For something new to be established the old needs to go, broken down, brought down or simply blasted off, or may be refurbished, restrengthened and restored. The process is not easy for anything that breaks, it does break something deep that existed thus far. A mask that was set for eons, needs to melt giving space for new one to be adorned. A few initial gentle taps, followed by consistent hammering blows, giving way for the pillars to turn into dust is perhaps needed. 

Eventually the pain held within, becomes the outcry, silent yelling may be seen, giving rise to poison of sorts being spewn in every possible direction. Dust begins to emerge from everywhere, capturing the entire space, smog clogging the eyes all over, blinding the beholder momentarily for an unknown time slag.

Someone, usually the facilitator, needs to take charge and absorb all the negativity that comes up, drinking all the poison, holding it within the throat, allowing it to turn blue, without letting it sink deeper, so that survival is ensured and task at hand can be accomplished till the finish. 
Slowly some jewels may begin to appear, that could be retained for future redecorating, appreciations of newer upcoming view, finally giving rise to the nectar that would enable everyone involved to heave a big sigh of relief and begin to relish the aftermath, coolness, calmness, serenity of it all...

Its no way easy-going infact, the very fact that huge roadblocks, obstacles, reasonings why the continuation of earlier state is perhaps the best situation that itself evolved after numerous churnings, seems to begin to be unsettling at most levels. The very custodians who were keen to bring in the change, themselves sort of begin to mellow down and come to terms with what is been so long perhaps needs to continue as is.

However for the one charged with superlative energy, founded in the very core self of the being, the substratum of the massiverse doesn't get caught up in the drag and continues to move on with undeterred confidence, commitment, compassion, unstoppable flow towards the set goal of bringing about the next version out of its castings, setting it free forever from its own shackles. 

For a system to externally reflect ease of doing business,  it needs to be integrated internally for internal customers first... for empowering others, the channel needs to be empowered first, for activating the external channels, internal activation is a prima facie requirement. Whats not working internally will just not be able to work externally. 

Hence all big ticket changes need to begin with major internal churnings, and none of that is a cake walk. It needs a synergist, a firing engine, an Agni Lingam of sorts to rekindle the fire within,
set the stagnant vehicle back into a gentle forward motion...

Once a synergist, always remains, getting to that penultimate state may take eons, once there, the view changes completely, that which seemed painful becomes funny.... the obstacles, roadblocks begin to move under the carpet, yet the synergist knows when to surface and when to go underground....😉✍🙏

From my archives, a training organization I had setup in the year 2000 before merging into the Art of Living forever. But what goes around, seems to come back around.... though may be in a slightly different garb...


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