life's game

We all kind of know that life is but a game. Some have said, take life as a game, some say, learn to play the game of life, few others have been saying why take life so seriously, you are never going to get out of it alive...

Well all versions have element of truth in them. And today I got yet another freaky thought that's made me wonder about life's game itself...

Some are playing, some being played upon, some in between not knowing it as a game, neither knowing they are players or are being played upon. The matter of fact remains, we are all being played upon. The energy field that's managing this whole massiverse, the unmanifest super power so to speak, is running through every bit of everything that's visibly manifest. Have you ever wondered, how the lamp is useless without the switch being on? How the switch is useless without the MCB being on? If we go on going backwards, we arrive at the power generation station, which is also useless if the very source that helps generate electricity (could be any of the 5 basic elements - fire, water, air, ether, earth) is not available. Eventually the life-force energy that moves these elements about may become visible though very much invisible!

While being alive, becoming aware of life's game opens up an entirely new dimension within. Being observant of who is where, playing what role or being played upon, knowingly or unknowingly, known or unknown brings about a dramatic shift in our perspective giving a fresh flavor to our expressionless expressions. Even though the characters appear to be playing or played upon, the real play is getting played from an entirely different level.

Are you getting the sense of it at all or is your mind still playing upon you.... only after having been there done that, can one realise the fun of it all, till then one can continue to enjoy being enjoyed by someone else who's perhaps apparently playing upon your innocent self... who knows!

Hello, the real player is always only one, hidden, mischievous, playful, untarnished, untainted, eternal witness to the game that came up when that very one turned into many and continues like a never ending roller coaster rickety funny bumpy ride. And one who gets a wee bit vision into that one, is perhaps really a blessed one who knows it all, yet knows nothing at all....

Whether any of it makes sense or not, it doesn't matter, for most games end sooner or later, however life is precious and unending continuum of rhythmically intertwined play of energies..... get it, good, don't get it.... just do not bother, simply forget it...!!!🙄✍🤔


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