Labour's Pain
Ever wondered what happens to an idea which has long been simmering inside one's head and may have gathered some momentum along the way. Some execution, implementation efforts to bring it to reality may have also been ongoing for a while? Well bringing anything to life has many similarities to the birth of a new born. Nine months of carrying the baby within its womb, mother and very much the entire family undergoes a sort of tiptoed dance looking after the mother and the baby to be born. Everyone does whatever they can to make the journey as comfortable as may be feasible and beyond. Multiple visits to the doctors clinic for regular health checkups and required progress monitoring dietary care, all happens with a sense of welcoming someone new to the family much before it physical arrival, one that can be seen as well. When the time to deliver the fruit of love approaches, mother has to undergo labour pains a pretty painful gainful process. Mother is advised to push push pu...