
Showing posts from June, 2019

Labour's Pain

Ever wondered what happens to an idea which has long been simmering inside one's head and may have gathered some momentum along the way. Some execution, implementation efforts to bring it to reality may have also been ongoing for a while? Well bringing anything to life has many similarities to the birth of a new born. Nine months of carrying the baby within its womb, mother and very much the entire family undergoes a sort of tiptoed dance looking after the mother and the baby to be born. Everyone does whatever they can to make the journey as comfortable as may be feasible and beyond. Multiple visits to the doctors clinic for regular health checkups and required progress monitoring dietary care, all happens with a sense of welcoming someone new to the family much before it physical arrival, one that can be seen as well. When the time to deliver the fruit of love approaches, mother has to undergo labour pains a pretty painful gainful process. Mother is advised to push push pu...

It all starts with a quest..!

Many a times, I have been asked this question by friends, people who are still not on the spiritual path, or those who are attending art of living training programs I conduct.  They are always curious and intrigued to find out what it is that makes people come onto the path. Most usual concept is that something must have gone wrong, something that shook one away from the regular way of life, forced one to shun to face challenges of daily life and adapt to a more peaceful solace seeking, solitude filled, lonesome journey. While many a scriptures, experiences of numerous leaders who paved a new way devised a innovative method, have described the many reasons that could lead one onto the path, yet the tendency of the mind to cling to negative leads mostly everyone to think of this one reason alone. It all starts with a sincere question though, all scriptures, all major sermons, all revelations in the past from all the revered masters of varying faiths have one thing in co...


कोई आया है इक अरसे के बाद अपनी कहानी के कुछ पन्नो के साथ माजी के कुछ बदलते हुए अलफ़ाज़ कुछ जाने पहचाने कुछ छिपे से राज़ हकीकत ब्यान करने कि ख़्वाहिश सबको गीतों से लुभाने की साजिश फिर वही गीता फिर वही कही अनकही इस पल की रेत पे चलते छपते ठहरे निशां वक्त की बारिश में झड़ गए जो पत्ते उनकी राख से सींचे नये बीजों के अँकुर कौन जाने क्या नया है आज समय बदला तो उभरे पुराणे राज़ जैसे गंगा का जल नित्यनूतन है फिर भी युगोँ से बहती कहती सुनाती कहानी ख़ास।

Criticism usually comes from those who do not work

while you move around acting on your intense feelings, expressing love through seva that you choose to deliver unto HIM, remember there would be many critics, many who attempt to become roadblock, many who would be there to demotivate you, to pull you down for they do not know one should align oneself with someone through whom guru's grace flows freely, to overcome feelings of jealousy, and become part of their bliss. many would dissuade you from doing what you are good at, knowingly or unknowingly they would setup obstacles, pulling and pushing you away from your goal. remember these signals are there to strengthen you from within, to reinforce your resolve to continue to serve HIM selflessly. HE is the path, he is the goal, he is the act, he is the feeling, he is the criticism, he is the one who works, he is the one who helps you rise above any occasion, he is event, he is the lesson you missed to take. HE is the one in you that you long to be, he is the one you belong to, ...

been there done that - let go

yesterday was one hectic day, driving upto washington press club with filiz, meeting george, who took us around the 3 different types of rooms that they provide for press conferences. zenger is the smallest kind, one look and i knew it was not enough. seats 40people looks good, but small. Filiz felt very much the same. Holeman much bigger, brightly lit apropriate for a decent gathering. Ballroom the largest, may be too big for the short duration we have in mind to get this going. availability - 17th, tuesday 2006, 8am to 11am. ooops, what to do - to book or not to book, filiz carefully takes all details from george, asking the room to be put on hold while we go back and confirm few arrangements. we left back for her place. picked up her lovely daughters from school enroute, got something from a local store. while waiting for her to return, had a quick coversation with little angels perched up like very sweet kids in back seats of my car. so you must be the naughty one i said...

Who knows..!

14 th June 2019, 22:50hrs… Today is yet another day but it seems to hold a very different subtle message and a quality that I have never encountered ever before. A kind of deep hidden inner protuberance of something consolidated, profound meaningful mass, hinting a fresh new start of something completely innovative yet original. My zeal to get back to goal of completing my sharing and bringing it out to light and present it to everyone and anyone who may bother to care or otherwise, seems to have come alive yet again. This time though after a real long gap. There have been sharing in last year and a half, listening into Gurudev’s personal stories and getting opportunity to transcribe as part of writer’s guild a small group handpicked by our master, we admiringly call Gurudev. Some of which may have already formed part of the book released by his sister (last year after about six months of our little contributions) fondly known as Bhanu didi and others awaiting their tur...