master's nee
During wee hours of 21st July 2020, nee was in deep slumber, yet somewhere awake within. This has always been the case with him whenever a longing to be with master surpassed his sort of superhuman limits and reached yet another beyond. The master would appear in his dream state, which was rather so vivid, that it made nee wonder what the real reality was.
Master was seated in his chair, getting ready for an online interaction with some important people, the organising team leads were around making all the last minute arrangements, ensuring everything was in order. Nee found himself standing behind a curtain invisible to others, yet well within master's vision. As the master was adjusting his seating posture and dress to be well presentable, nee took a chance and went close to him, asking if there's anything that master needed and that nee could do at that moment. Master's usual glance away as if munching on what nee just said, letting few deep moments pass, he asked nee in regular flair... "accha aajkal kia kar raha hai tu?"(so what are you doing these days?). A simple query that always brought out the truth from within any devotee in that space.
Nee spontaneously responded after a pause, well master you know everything anyways, am allowing whatever best that can happen through just happen as usual. Master then loving pulled nee closer. Nee now kneeling down on the floor next to master's chair let his head fall in master's lap allowing him to put his divine hands to touch his brow.
Patting nee on the back, master gently said, okay am making you a rishi. Happily startled by the master's profound soft words, nee woke up, finding himself back to the unreal world lying on the bed he had slept last night.
Was that a dream or is this a dream, nee wondered and decided to mull over what he had seen in dream state and eventually decided to open it down to see what happens next.
This was not the first time, nee expereinced such night visions ever since he found his master. Every instance left a deep impact on his life, almost always altering its course, for the better. But perhaps this was the first time nee decided to etch the memory in form of a sincere note to the master, almost right after it happened.
In Oct2019, nee had got an indication from his master during a satsang interaction with another devotee who asked for master to talk about Guru Gita. Master's usual response was that he has already given everything and an indication that someone else must now take it up. Nee eager as ever to pick & decode master's hidden messages saw it as an opportunity to make better use of his remaining time on the planet and took responsibility to take this forward. A yearning that something big was waiting for him as a gift from the master, seemed much like it. For to be able to share about the highest aspect with others, spreading that precious hidden insights with those deserving/ready to get it, seemed like the best seva gift ever from.the master.
Nee had been listening to Guru Gita 11yrs before, which came to him as part of data transfer from an official friend during a seva he was responsible for. Listening to it nee would instantaneously fall into deep meditative space and made all the practices his master had taught him even more profound. It continued for a few years, eventually nee moved to master's ashram with his approval when the time was due. 2014 April. Got engrossed with seva tasks master entrusted nee with, he forgot about Guru Gita and rarely got back listening to it sometimes.
That Oct 2019, evening satsang brought it all back and nee decided to dig deeper and wrote to master seeking his blessings to bless him to take this forward. Nee was a reasonably quick learner, a modest orator and had a rather fertile creative streak. Having written to master, nee would usually end up taking next steps to be ready by the time master reads and responds to his request. He began his research, interim.
Usually nee would openly share whatever came to his mind with master and patiently await for response that usually would happen in best time as a noticeable action from master's end.
"Sometimes it's good not to have plans, then the divine plans for you - Sri Sri", a message that I just came across, (while I went away from my mobile taking a logical break in order to attend to some home chores, my wife had been asking me to look at), like many in the past apt knowledge, wisdom bytes from the universe through the master or otherwise, have always been appearing at most appropriate moments in life. This was the case even when nee had not even woken up to his spiritual sojourne, which I now understand is always being traversed by whoever lands here on the planet, to unfurl it someday, recognize how far one has come and progress and direction in which one is headed as part of unchartered divine plan.
Like different strokes of a painter's brush, these messages from the universe keep appearing to the one who is in tune with the self, witnessing the eternal drama that continues to unfold as one moves along steadily, yet rather at a cruising pace, withering the hurry, casually knowing the divine timings and pace and plans are always perfectly aligned.