Evolutionary Expressions - Entire Spectrum
If we look around, nature is an endless expression of the evolutionary play and display of existential reality.
Everything around conveys the diversity, dynamism and complexity of simple truthful manifestations of the unmanifest.
Every thing around, is in a constant state of dynamic transitioning, though not so apparently visible mostly.
Let us examine a fully bloomed tree, right from the roots till fruits and back to seeds there is a beautiful distinct separateness that one will notice yet there's a complete connect between one perfect state and another. Be it a root supporting the trunk, branches, stems, shoots, leaves, flowers, fruits, seeds... the full circle can be cleverly seen. The processes, energy or so to say, method that is working behind the scenes to make all this happen, is infact, something very intriguing, and therefore, worth taking a deep dive into.
While remaining awed by this ever transformational aspect, moving from one state to another, may seem like life itself, however going beyond and jumping into the background happenings that really make all that is visible happen, one would notice an immediate shift in perspective, giving us an insight into the entire evolutionary experience.
So at any given point in timeless time span, one can see the void, a state from which every thing begins, all states in between and back to the end state of void once again, which is nothing but the beginning itself. From one to many, back to that one source of all.
"OM" is said to be the first vibration that came out from the state of nothingness termed as void, rishis (ancient seers - erstwhile scientists) mentioned in Vedas that this whole creation is an amalgamation of different vibrations. Vibrations having different frequencies. After going through varied phases of evolution, the five elements that are got together by conciousness, the eternal energy, life force that gives it a form and bestows it with a driving force. Different forms, different driving forces, apparently different yet basically same. In the end of the life cycle, the energy departs, elements disintegrate and merge back into elements. A play of elements of sorts managed and displayed by energy. And the energy merges back with OM and back into deep state of silent nothingness devoid...
If we examine VIBGYOR in a rainbow, or see the deflection of white light turning into different colors while passing through a prism, the colors do not seem to have independent identity. Each one is in a state of transition on both ends, the hue, saturation, brightness, contrast keeps altering resulting in different shades of one color, finally turning into, another band or shades of new color. Life is colorful, but nothing is black and white it's brightly said by a wise one.
One keen look around would reveal to any visionary (one who has a vision, eyes or no eyes), this dance of evolution is visible in every aspect, in everything, living or otherwise. Stages, phases, though apparently distinct do have a seamless flow and interconnection.
So perfect chaos is the nature of nature. Look at leaves of a tree, petals of a flower, each one is unique and distinctly different from other. Diversity is the source of eternal beauty which is a characteristic of divinity. Similarly, love, truthfulness, bliss, benevolence are all divine qualities. Mother nature is divine, the source of all creative impulses as well creations. Since it is embedded inside the void, it comes up time and again and goes right back into it in time. A sort of another play so to say.
Look at an ocean, waves, tsunami, lashes breaking at the stones, droplets shimmering through particles of sand around the beach or stilled silence near the ocean bed. Different strokes yet one and same source.
Earlier we used think an atom has 3 distinct components called, electron, proton and neutron, now we know they are all vibrations only. And these vibrations are moving about in a 3 dimensional way due to an eternal dance of forces happening all the time. Where the vibrations appear to be most intensely visible is said to be that particular component to be existing. However a peep into it under the microscope would reveal it to be, only a jumble of waves. Another bright wise one said, what appears, is not what is, and what is, is not visible at all.
Now given that flux, fluidity, transition, is the very nature of nature, how can one remain oblivious to the fact that our human faculties both externally visible as well internal hidden organs, would also be following the same pattern. Let's look at our hand turning into wrist to forearm, upper arm, shoulder, color bone, chest cage...etc etc.. We are completely interconnected from head to toe, isn't it?
It's said we get a human body after passing through 80lac different lifeforms(plants, insects, aquatic, mammal, etc). 4lacs human species, meaning 4lac different levels of conciousness or so to speak, levels of evolution of human mind, or so many different frequencies at which our brain can resonate. How many such vibrations one is exposed to in a lifetime indicates which level one may be at. Evolution is based on what one is exposed to in life and how one deals with it over time. As we may notice our experiences gives us insights and learnings that get embedded deep in our psyche that refines our future response to similar situations. The dance of evolution is at play within the conciousness too. That is why understanding our ancient scriptures needs one to be in witness mode, subject and object though have apparent distinct identity yet they're interconnected. Hence the rishi said in Yoga Vashistha, two birds perched on a tree branch, one eating a fruit, the other watching. Though they are two, yet they are one and the same.
This can get very confusing for someone who has not understood the source of all sources, the unmanifest invisible director behind the play and display of what is evidently manifested. Yet when Guru aspect comes up it bridges all such gaps, brings all confusions to logical clarity, makes semblance to what is or isn't. That aspect which is the connector, transformer, transitioning bridge between one stage to another, is worth seeking, understanding and remaining in constant company of. Isn't it? What do you say?
Further look into it reveals, there's everything hidden in any seed, be it seed of a fruit bearing plant, or human cells or universe itself. This the rishis shared as Akashik record, meaning a memoir or library containing everything that has happened or yet to happen again. Gurudev Sri Sri Ravishankar ji says we are all recycled material, I like to extrapolate this further to say there's nothing new here, though everything seems to appear to be a different unique vibration or frequency, still it's all part of the entire spectrum contained inside the container. From zero to infinity everything comes in between.
Our brains are frequency analyzers, like every instrument needs tuning before it can be put to effective use, what our brain focusses on, it tends to vibrate to that and eventually becomes that. For example if we hate a particular behaviour pattern in another person and let that vibration create a similar wave within eventually our brain gets tuned to it and begins to demonstrate similar behavior. Isn't it funny as well bit scary? Similarly if one were to put attention on a role model(Say a living master), one would eventually imbibe all those qualities, thus become like them.
If we closely look at anyone's life it's like a story book with different chapters, anecdotes, emotional dramas, learnings, high and low tides, etc etc. There's a stark similarity one can find in every human being's life span. Yet they appear to be distinctly different stories, episodes, characters playing amazing roles that change as well interchange with time too. Like symphonies of different ragas(melodious renditions) coming out of one instrument with the dexterous play of fingers at the hands of someone skilled to play the instrument. Isn't it awe inspiring?
Well that's the nature of nature and therefore deeply reexamining the nature of nature needs us to be in touch with the internal Guru aspect, a bridge that helps us remain balanced yet connected on both sides, enabling multidimensional perspective to be understood. Some call it 360degree wholistic view. Now seeing it from within can pose another challenge therefore need for an external Guru becomes imminent. However the external Guru is an embodiment of wisdom, who is in touch with the absolute reality existing within him and everything else that has sprung up from that only source of all. So what exists in one, must exist in another too, though may be in a different state or level of conciousness, evolution, development or whatever else stage, you may like to term it. Only a lit lamp can light another, yet when one understands that that lamp is self luminous, the source of all that appears to be lit and shinning brightly, one gets another glimpse into the characteristics of the unmanifest source of all.
So the puzzle shall someday be solved on it's own, since its embedded thus within and must get triggered or processed sooner or later. Yet presence of a living external master, makes it happen at a faster pace than ever before. Therefore adopting a master, going to a Gurukul was very much integral part and parcel of ancient rich learning methodologies.
Wherever we may have come from, whatever we may be, wherever we may be headed for, onething is for sure, sooner or later everyone gets it, gets there, that's the biggest secret of all secrets the universal code is encoded with.
While we may realise we are still far away from the eternal goal of getting back to the source, just look back and recognize how far we have already come along. Do not be in a hurry, definently be in "Hari" (divine), for the eternal evolutionary aspect is always active and enabling us to keep moving at perfect pace towards our ultimate destination.
Ofcourse without self effort nothing ever was achieved, yet knowing that self is within, allowing it to work for it's own sake, without letting our inner mental impediments be the road block, a lot happens and a living master makes the journey much more meaningful smooth and enjoyable!
If you got it, very good, if not, it's even better. Never mind, let time reveal it all in perfect time.