Perfect 9

While we all have heard, read or seen numerous aspects related to 9 - nava, today I am planning to dig in a little deeper and find out if something rather not so well known comes up. So are you already wondering like me as to what that may be? 

If you just nodded your head in affirmation, just like it happened with me spontaneously, then perhaps together this discovery could lead us to some intriguing facts.

0, Shunya represents that void state which was before anything came up, in which everything that exists, exists, that which will still remain when everything that ever existed merges back into it.

1, Ekam represents that one unmanifest formless aspect from which everything that exists has manifested

Like that each increasing number represents various aspects of this unfathomable creation, delving into each of that is not really the purpose of this journey today. Hence we now fast forward straight to 9.

9 - Nava represents the highest amongst numerals. It represents the nava ratras, nava randhras, nava durgas, nava ratnas, nava dhanyas, nava grahas…9 is the end of a cycle and after that another cycle begins…with 1 ….

Shiva represents that one, which upholds all the energy, the chi, the shakti, devoid of which it becomes shava, inert(dead, lifeless). Without the highest represented by energy, shakti the creator, creation just cannot exist. Hence the 2 dual aspects remain in a sort of a galactic eternal dance, tandav...

A culmination of something that begins is destined as a known integral part of creation. Create if we look at it, has ate in it, meaning that which will perhaps be eaten up at the end, maybe indicating the final merger back of the elements into elements from the gross combination that came up during creation to form something.

Nine months of a baby being in the mother's womb ends with labor pains leading delivery of the baby from a hidden to visible form signifying a new life beginning. Everyone born dies sooner or later. Everything that begins ends someday. The rise leads one to a plateau, eventually to a peak post which the reverse rise, that we call fall, or the descend takes place. 

Everything in the creation is dynamic, in constant state of churning and change from one perfect state to another. Moving from one state to another requires a period of transition from highest energy back to lowest. A sort of system reboot in technical parlance.

Everything must undergo this phenomenon of natural reboot to move forward onto the path of evolution. Even that which appears stagnant cannot remain that forever. That which was bottom of an ocean is today Mount Everest, we all have been told by many geologists, earth scientist, so to say.  

9 is 3 times 3. Which can be understood as a permutation combination of 3 aspects into 3 different versions. Say for example tamoguna(dark, negative, dull, inert), could undergo 3 variations from really low(depression), mid(laziness) and high(lack of energy). 

Similarly we could look at rajoguna(movement, dynamism, action) and sattvaguna(bliss, highest energy state) and come up with possible variations. However its amazing why the ancient rishis(seers, scientists) came up with celebrating nine nights, dedicating 3 nights to each of the Tamasic, Rajasic & Sattvic aspects. I wonder..!

Is it because after a highest state is attained, a brief period of deepest rest (complete inactivity - as turning into a stony statue of sorts) is a must to recoup in order to bring back the internal balance? One 3rd of the cycle time is dedicated to it, since the state of void represented by AUM, the primordial vibration that exists before and after creation manifest and ends, also has 3 distinct phases of creation, sustenance and destruction? Could that be it?

Followed by initiation of next phase of movement represented by rajoguna that needs some run up time before enough momentum is gained to achieve the ultimate goal of optimum performance and speedy continuum before it goes right back to state of halt, by beginning to exhaust the fuel(energy) available in the tank?

Imagine what would happen if a stationery car was suddenly pushed into speed of 100kms an hour or vice a versa, perhaps it would result in its shattering. Similarly this creation is very interestingly intelligent and so were our ancient scientists who developed all fantastic rituals to helps us dig deeper into the mysteries of this unfathomable creation.

Navaratri is one such occasion that helps us go back into inner realms, do some fasting(internal body cleaning through detoxification), mantra chanting and meditation to rejuvenate and retune our lost natural rhythms in line with deeper natural phenomenon without even being much aware of the hidden benefits. Our seers were very skilled it seems so. What do you think?

Well am not sure if digging into this mystery of 3 times 3 and 9 has really helped resolve some of it or made it even more mysterious, onething is sure each word of this article just flew past from some source freely, leaving me completely oblivious to how much time passed by.

9 perhaps carries the highest vibration and therefore writing about it just happened so swiftly without feeling even a wee bit exhausted, though still wondering if it can really be called a perfect 9 or a rolling 0-9-0...!

And it's worth a ponder as to how many such reboot cycles are really needed before the final liberation from this cyclic churning can be attained. Is it even needed or the fun in churning becomes even more enjoyable once an insight of that one which is beyond, eternal, ever untouched by any churning or change, the witness aspect that witnesses all churning, is attained...?! 

Who knows,  celebration combined with a sense of deep consolidated inner silence is perhaps what sort of completes that which has no beginning no end whatsoever...!

Perhaps to be continued...


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