Just be - eternal mantra
Have you ever noticed how when the last piece of a puzzle falls into its place, the picture emerges clearly yet spontaneously?
Often a sense of rush to be someone, reach somewhere, share something, achieve or accomplish a position can be observed outside of us. But have we ever wondered why it becomes bit challenging to take a look or even recognize such tendencies within. Well the senses fitted in our system are outwardly oriented for they help us pick and process data from the environment, maybe a design defect craftily engineered to keep us from being where we were destined to be.
The truth is when we close our eyes we begin to really see what lies within. After one has undergone a series of roller coaster rides in life, possibly, one sooner or later tends to realise the futility of it all. While the apparent fun seems to stimulate a few nerves and may be rattle some bones as well, it really has no impact whatsoever on some deeper level within, that remains untouched and unfazed. Being in touch with that aspect, reaching that inner pinnacle, spotlighting it and getting a taste of it, naturally allowing oneself to stay there more and more often, opens a whole new dimension in life!
What is the hurry, where's it that we wish to arrive, the urge to do something big, the goal to setout and accomplish a smart goal, the journey from somewhere through wherever to nowhere, the whole essence of this chaotic nonsense of funny sorts will one day just come to be. The story definitely ends one day for each one of us, that's for sure...! Or may be a whole new beginning begins then..???
The intriguing question is can we just let it be and be plugged into our deepest core, while allowing whatever that happens, to just happen...? And also is there really a need or any urgency to do so?
Being in tune or out of tune perhaps isnt so much of an issue, crux of the matter is figuring out where one is located and in what direction one is disposed, that possibly tends to get missed out so easily.
Well the answer isn't so simple either. For someone who is used to making continous dynamic efforts to achieve whatever one has got so far in life, just letting be, not making any effort whatsoever, could itself be a biggest effort... Imagine your foot comfortably rested on the accelerator all the time for eons, now suddenly needs to be lifted and quickly yet gently placed onto the brake paddle!
Perhaps the secret will be revealed to each one, in it's own perfect time sooner or later, this lifetime or next.... does it really matter?
Who knows, so can we just let it be...!