If we look at the word "create" it has "ate" embedded in it.
Whenever we look at waves rising on a ocean front, we find huge waves coming up one after another continuously in one go and slowly receding and merging back right in, in parallel. As if the huge water body is throwing up a part of itself that appears to be originating from it, moments earlier and dissolves in, bit later.
It's known fact that we are made up of 5 key elements, fire, air, water, earth and ether(space), space being the one in which everything else exists. A particular permutation and combination of the elements forms one creature to be distinctly different from another yet distinctly similar in some ways. Energy that brings these elements together, seems to let them go a while later, duration depending upon average lifespan of the concerned species in general.
Each breath we inhale is consummated by the outgoing breath one has to exhale the very next moment. The rhythm of expansion and contraction seems to be nature's norm. Obviously it's not always so obvious to a regular eye and takes a sort of witnessing sense of keen awareness to observe this amazing phenomenon happening all around all the time. Yet the routine stresses caused by day to day challenges, actions, situations one is faced with, somehow tend to blur this vision.
Similarly, thoughts continuously keep on arising and vanishing within our mindscape. Ideas come up and disappear as well!
Everything comes from a state of nothingness, void, consolidated stillness, OM and transitions back to it.
Getting in touch with the witness aspect, every once in a while, helps one to slowly get there and be there more and more often. Thus bringing our focus that apparently gets stuck in scenery, situation, event, back to the very seer within. The one that is beyond seeing and perhaps can only be felt by just being in it.... or shall we say by letting it consume the I in me and the you in you...!???
What say! Has this article been created or has it been able to eat some hidden cobwebs and thus brought us back to the space, a sense of void may be an indication of being there, who knows, and does it matter anyways..!
Breathe in, hold as long as you can then just let it go...!