Evolutionary Expressions - Entire Spectrum

If we look around, nature is an endless expression of the evolutionary play and display of existential reality. Everything around conveys the diversity, dynamism and complexity of simple truthful manifestations of the unmanifest. Every thing around, is in a constant state of dynamic transitioning, though not so apparently visible mostly. Let us examine a fully bloomed tree, right from the roots till fruits and back to seeds there is a beautiful distinct separateness that one will notice yet there's a complete connect between one perfect state and another. Be it a root supporting the trunk, branches, stems, shoots, leaves, flowers, fruits, seeds... the full circle can be cleverly seen. The processes, energy or so to say, method that is working behind the scenes to make all this happen, is infact, something very intriguing, and therefore, worth taking a deep dive into. While remaining awed by this ever transformational aspect, moving from one state to ...