Guru Aspect

Gurur Brahma Gurur Vishnu, Gurur Devo Maheshwarah,
Gurur Saakshaat Parabrahma tasmaye Sri Guruve namaha...!

Pranaams to the holy lotus feet of my beloved master who brought me to where I was and where am today and to where ever he may be leading me unto...!

For dance to be visible, dancer has to be present, similarly for any knowledge to be understood, to bring one home, Guru aspect's presence is imminent.

A bridge of sorts that connects one to oneself, is necessary to be able to guide us from our limited identity towards infinite potential.

Shiva the "summum bonum" of this multiverse we appear to live in, that which was when nothing else was, in which whatever seems to exist, exists, into which everything ultimately tends to merge back to, that which still remains when everything else seems to be gone, the very essence of life, life's basis itself, can only be understood with the help of a true guide one which apparently has even higher status than Shiva itself, though very much integral part of it, it is the highest aspect contained within the container or the contained itself....

In life when I first got drawn towards a master, an awakening call of its own kind, a beckoning of sorts, was I really going outwards or simply being pushed deep within to come face to face with that inner aspect that is really the Guru aspect...

Shiva bowing down to that, itself for itself to itself for showing Paarvati (who is again within Shiva) the importance and role of Guru aspect in our lives and how to revere and achieve that state of ultimate reality, tranquillity and bliss is really the beginning of Guru Gita.

And when I started my spiritual sojourn, I chose to do the highest form of action subscribed in scriptures, leaving aside everything else I was doing upto that point in life and arrived at a new beginning at which am finding myself yet again today. Having been here for sometime standing and wondering what the next possible goal could be, the answer dawned a few days ago in a satsang, when someone asked my Gurudev Sri Sri, why does he not give a session on Guru Gita.

In response he said well why should I give everything, have already given so many, it's time someone from amongst you take up this responsibility. Something struck me that moment, for spirituality only indicates, which matured over next few weeks and suddenly came up within and I sincerely expressed my wonderment if Gurudev would bless me to start taking sessions on same. Having written that in morning, soon during the Friday Devi Puja few hours later, the session structure and flow arose from somewhere within. Was that the answer from my Gurudev to my prayer or that deep inner aspect responding to my own inner quest is a mystery I would like to keep open to wonder.

However, having listened to Guru Gita for many many months, years together some 10+years ago, and revived since last insight, I began my search on internet as well inner net. And what culminated is a new beginning with this article today. That captures my thoughts, deepest inner aspects which will hopefully lead me onto my final chosen path, that I have been subtly treading rather unknowingly up till now.

Some of the recommendations ascribed in the Guru Gita, simply happened through me while I was in physical presence of my Gurudev in early days of being with him. Was he guiding me towards this invisible yet fully activated aspect within and taking me casually yet firmly, compassionate yet lovingly towards my new found goal I were to chose one fine day some 20years in future, I ponder yet wonder....!

Knowledge seeds sown within sprout one day as they are nurtured over time, led by consistent, persistent, watering of sorts, by staying on the path firmly, yet passionately helping bring many more onto it. It's all powerful, has not only the establishing, sprouting, nurturing, maturing and reloading abilities, but also organising capabilities. A revelation, a deeper insight, makes all of it to suddenly make a lot of sense....

I reckon...! Aho Niranjana..!

That which always has been with me, holding me with my little finger, carrying me when life wasn't so smooth, sailing me through every storm, keeping me completely untouched, touching every aspect subtly, keeping me upheld in the deepest wavy moments, in some form or other (mother, father, brother, sister, friends, teacher, mentor, guide, master....). Appearing when needed, called or uncalled, always there, assisting, supporting, cajoling, moving me forward, something invisible yet undeniably existent, describing which completely just isn't feasible, whatever the means at ones disposal be applied, yet experiencing it within is very much a reality.

A bridge to take us from the manifest forms towards unmanifest formlessness, from dual to non-duality, from many to that one. Aham Tattvam Asi...! (I Am That)

From transitory untruth to ultimate truth, from deepest darkness to unending brightness, from temporary mortality to infinite eternal immortality.

Asato maa Sat gameya
Tamaso maa Jyotir gameya
Mrityur maa Amritam gameya

Om shaanti shaanti shaantihi...!

गुरु महिमा अपरम पारा
बिन गुरु जीना सूखी धारा
गुरु चरणों की धूलि अनूठी
जागी सोई किस्मत रूठी
गुरु प्रेम अथाह सागर
खाली मटकी भर दे गागर
कित जावत क्या अंदेशा
गुरु मोन में दें संदेशा
बिन कृपा क्या नी पाऊँ
गुरु धयावै सो यूं तर जाऊं
तेरा गुणगान तेरी भक्ति
गुरु देव से ही सब शक्ति
और लिखूँ क्या "नी" कह न पाती
गुरु जोत मैं जलुं बन बाती
गुरु जोत मैं जलुं बन बाती
गुरु जोत मैं जलुं बन बाती

to be continued...!

Having conducted over 100 G3 sessions so far ever since the beginning on 8th Dec 2019, which just by the way happened to be Geetaopdesh tithi, day Arjuna recieved Gita Updesh from Lord Krishna, seeing all the amazing transformational upliftment of participants has brought me back here to pick up the thread I last left in an attempt to unveil the unfathomable one.

Why is going into the fold of a Guru, master seen by some as a sign of weakness, has left me rather intrigued by the fact that there does definitely is a need to spread this knowledge even more far and wide.

Over the last few centuries, there has been a disconnect that was sort of engineered into the very fabric of our existence making us remain oblivious of our own roots, deepest secrets and abundant heritage. So the gap between why that needs to be so very well revered and focused upon, the very process that helps us grow and evolve in truth, towards ultimate truth, sprung up. And therefore the acute need for it to be bridged by reviving the understanding of such highest scripture, a well guarded, protected mystery and make it available to the qualifying masses, is so very important in today's ever so trying times.

The relevance and pertinence of Guru Gita in present scenario can not be undermined, it needs to be emphasized against all odds and made more freely available to all, a mission worth devoting one's life for. Even if one person's life is touched and transformed by these insights, this whole squirrel initiative would have made a significant difference.... isn't that so.... what do you say...???


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