nbna script ready for publishing
19th Oct, 2009
Life has jumped a few more chapters ever since. I am now a ........... is a very insightful experience. Along with having received a very sensitive and wonderful way to bless people with my master’s continued grace, is making something inside become more softer, calmer and deeper. .......... see how everything begins to flow into its preset slot……
Grace continues to drive my life ..............., a la de vista dance of unseen manifesting divinity!
Music so profound, soulful, ....... silently loud, a ship anchored middle of nowhere, ,............steadfast, moving.......towards horizon. Will the journey ever be complete? ........... the freshness, the curiosity of what next could get carved into realm of time, with which chisel, what color, what texture, hue… is but in an unknown hand,..............I have been here so many times, yet it all is so refreshing and new……!!!
From IT to real IT, is what I explain to my respected government clients..... when asked how come I changed tracks..... From harmonizing various functions of an organization with aid of Information technology and tools to harmonizing seven layers of human existence by teaching sudarshan kriya taught in the art of living program takes me to real IT (inner transformation) space I love to see change in others.................. giving them a smile that can only be divine stemming directly from the heart….. Ha some work gifted to me at last… I love to get done through this concoction labeled me…..! Did I forget who I am or is it who I really am? Guess time to get this published has arrived………..!!! JAIGURUDEV