Wish to become a Minister?

I have heard, seen and felt Guruji many a times and with much more focus and intensity recently that we need a wave of patriotism to be raised throughout the youth (both young and young at hearts) of our country. This is the missing aspect we need to rekindle today. Indian democracy that we live in today is deemed to be the largest in the world. Can it be made even more meaningful, effective and efficient? Yes the answer is a big YES, and the obvious question in the mind is how do we achieve that? How do we get the right youth into the mainstream, to help them be there and help us serve the country better? To inspire oneself to move towards this goal, over next few months (as conveyed by Guruji during his recent trips) and continue on it long long after and others to join in the march towards a disease free, stress free, quiver free, dilemma free, confusion free, healthy, calm, happy state of everlasting blissful being and society.

Are you ready to be the Minister (Mantri) of your own being? It occurred one day while sharing some Guru stories with a friend, that Mantri is but a combination of two words Mann (Mind) and Tri (three states/times). And I was amazed to recognize this beautiful connection between three states of mind, past, present and future is only possible through the present. You see what it means? Now to be in present moment all the time is like being the minister of your own self, being centered, being in charge of your life, your learning's from the past to help you build the vision of your future, and then act in the present to create the destiny you envision for yourself. Do you get it?

Therefore to be a real patriot, you need to have that love for your country and eventually this whole world that guruji often tells belongs to us. And the starting point is your own self. Service does not happen from an empty bowl. So if you are not in charge of your own mind, your own being, your own life, committing to the bigger cause of serving the nation, building the nation and helping to create a peaceful society is a far cry. And we are so lucky, Guruji has given us such simple, profound and more than complete tools to be your own minister. And if you are already that, your responsibility now is to look around and begin the next step, inspire others to be that (which many of us do), think of moving even deeper, and take our country to its next biggest level, which it always enjoyed in past.... sone ki chidiya ko sone ke chidiya ban-ne-se kab tak rok sakoge (how long can you stop the golden bird - as India was known in past times of its global glory, from becoming that)? Have you heard of a Yuvachariya from Chhattisgarh, being made a MLA/councilor from constituency he worked for under YLTP program, by people who benefitted from AOL 5H projects? Stage is set, path carved and lit with divine grace, all we need is to come forward and commit to be the minister that we are and become the one that can serve the society and country even better.......!!!

JAIGURUDEV.......Neeraj (minister of HIS own kind..::))...!!!

Guruji: Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, founder www.artofliving.org


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