Perfect 9

While we all have heard, read or seen numerous aspects related to 9 - nava, today I am planning to dig in a little deeper and find out if something rather not so well known comes up. So are you already wondering like me as to what that may be? If you just nodded your head in affirmation, just like it happened with me spontaneously, then perhaps together this discovery could lead us to some intriguing facts. 0, Shunya represents that void state which was before anything came up, in which everything that exists, exists, that which will still remain when everything that ever existed merges back into it. 1, Ekam represents that one unmanifest formless aspect from which everything that exists has manifested Like that each increasing number represents various aspects of this unfathomable creation, delving into each of that is not really the purpose of this journey today. Hence we now fast forward straight to 9. 9 - Nava represents the highest amongst numerals. It repr...