
Showing posts from September, 2019

यादें अजब सी

वो शक्ति की रातें वो गंगा के कहकहे वो टहलते हुए झील के किनारे किनारे वो गुरुकुल की घंटी से आत्मा का जगना वो नंगे पाँव मंटप से राधा कुंज तक आना वो गुरुकुल से आगे शक्ति की रेखा ...

Temples of Goa

Unlike what it is known for, Goa is indeed a place full of rich ancient heritage and temples. During my recent trip during shraavan month for performing #rudrapujas all over the state of Goa, it was an eye opener to learn so many samuhik pujas were organized in temples. Starting with one in Bhavani Devi Temple, Madgao (originally known as Mathagram - a village of 9 temples) I could not resist visiting the Holy Spirit Church before first puja, which I learnt was built after filling in the water tank inside premises of ancient Damodar temple (Shiva temple). How could one start shiva pujas without bowing down to the age old place of the deity, I thought to myself and told the coordinator to just take  me there. I really wanted to go inside and touch the base of the church at the place it was raised from ground up, however seeing the discomfort of the coordinator in doing so just told him to take the car around the place and mentally bowed down in reverence. How can the spirit be upro...

इच्छा शक्ति

Precious divine devotee moments

Go Goa Gone...!

29 days, 60 rudrapujas, 60 locations (including a Prison), 6000+ direct beneficiaries and still counting...! It came in as a last minute surprise, visit to Goa for Shraavan Maas Rudrapujas was indeed a blessing in disguise from an initial 3weeks trip that turned into 30days post confirmation had me bemused yet again at the certainty of uncertainty..! Way back in June in a WhatsApp group created for teachers who have been blessed by Gurudev to perform rudrapujas, few started asking out of genuine concern as to when would the deployment plans be announced for the current year and many like me silently observed what was going to happen. Having remained witness to all exchanges I finally broke my silence by assuring the group that "have heard from reliable sources that VDS team is working to come up with the plans and that we maintain our patience and keep our hopes up for soon to be announced schedules..." Almost 50days past by and nothing really came up except sharin...