round trip around the sun

Seva, the service aspect means "tere jaisa - being like u, doing like u do to me....". Serving without any expectation in return is true service. Like SUN comes out everyday in morning, gives us light and energy and sets in evening at particular time, without fail, without asking any favor in return.

When I started on the path, learnt sudarshan kriya, my practise was my daily love. Slowly I learnt the real love lies in serving others, those who also need to be rid of suffering, made to realise the beggar in them that sits atop a box full of riches all life looking for wealth outside, without knowing the richness within, the happiness is inside. When u look at a nice scenary, u close ur eyes, subtly taking ur look from the scenary to something deeper within, the reservoir of plenitude, bliss, that u actually r.....

Then my whole being started focusing more and more on seva aspect. Serving the slum dwellers, going door to door, blessing them a gift of smile, happiness and giving them an ear to enable them to share their life with the divine within... what they saw, what they felt was so very visible from the look in their eyes, it inspired me more and more to do more and more... with one day I recalled who am I to think that I am doing anything here. its anyways all part of a big divine plan that is giving me an opportunity to be there in front of them and get done what happens through me... and suddenly the load of doer ship went off my shoulders, making me free, ready to once again begin my round trip around the earth, like the sun.... so my chase this time is for those living in the south delhi area and still havent experienced and benefited from WORLD's BEST "SUDARSHAN KRIYA" and with a fresh gush of energy I started creating awareness about this in the area, posted the eflyer on some 10 free websites on net, sent out paper flyers in papers, spoke to my contacts, wrote on Facebook, wrote to my email contacts, called many to inspire them to inspire others... and the ball is rolling once again, like a game, it all seems to be moving at jet speed, without any worries of what happens in the end, giving 100% is all that we have to do,, nature would take care of the rest, and of Guru's Grace and blessings are always there behind to make it happen through u....


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