
Showing posts from 2010

wish to become a minister....?

I have heard, seen and felt Guruji many a times and with much more focus and intensity recently that we need a wave of patriotism to be raised throughout the youth (both young and young at hearts) of our country. This is the missing aspect we need to rekindle today. Indian democracy that we live in today is deemed to be the largest in the world. Can it be made even more meaningful, effective and efficient? Yes the answer is a big YES, and the obvious question in the mind is how do we achieve that? How do we get the right youth into the mainstream, to help them be there and help us serve the country better? To inspire oneself to move towards this goal, over next few months (as conveyed by Guruji during his recent trips) and continue on it long long after and others to join in the march towards a disease free, stress free, quiver free, dilemma free, confusion free, healthy, calm, happy state of everlasting blissful being and society. Are you ready to be the Minister (Mantri) of your own...

from my archives PDS - march 2008

OM GANG GANAPATEY NAMAH! While practising short sudarshan kriya this morning, following idea sprouted in consciousness with HIS blessings: * What we sow, so do we reap, is a well known idiom * Ever wondered when you sow a seed, mother nature returns back many? o Observe act of planting a mango seed: nature returns so many mangoes * All it means is that we are sitting atop a mound of abundance, a secret we must know! o Whether we sow or not, mother nature anyways continues to provide o What you sow shall come back to you multifold directly or indirectly * This is karma dharma, this is nature dharma, this is mother of all dharmas o Guru kripa is all inclusive, unconditional, mahadharma, much beyond known and unknown infinity So let us * dip in HIS divine grace, SoHUM SoHUM! * shake our body, shake shake! * adorn that fashionable smile, gee hee! * what sevas can you render today, PDS, Advance Course, Sahaj or you choo...

from my archives PDS - march 2008

OM GANG GANAPATEY NAMAH! While practising short sudarshan kriya this morning, following idea sprouted in consciousness with HIS blessings: * What we sow, so do we reap, is a well known idiom * Ever wondered when you sow a seed, mother nature returns back many? o Observe act of planting a mango seed: nature returns so many mangoes * All it means is that we are sitting atop a mound of abundance, a secret we must know! o Whether we sow or not, mother nature anyways continues to provide o What you sow shall come back to you multifold directly or indirectly * This is karma dharma, this is nature dharma, this is mother of all dharmas o Guru kripa is all inclusive, unconditional, mahadharma, much beyond known and unknown infinity So let us * dip in HIS divine grace, SoHUM SoHUM! * shake our body, shake shake! * adorn that fashionable smile, gee hee! * what sevas can you render today, PDS, Advance Course, Sahaj or you choo...

round trip around the sun

Seva, the service aspect means "tere jaisa - being like u, doing like u do to me....". Serving without any expectation in return is true service. Like SUN comes out everyday in morning, gives us light and energy and sets in evening at particular time, without fail, without asking any favor in return. When I started on the path, learnt sudarshan kriya, my practise was my daily love. Slowly I learnt the real love lies in serving others, those who also need to be rid of suffering, made to realise the beggar in them that sits atop a box full of riches all life looking for wealth outside, without knowing the richness within, the happiness is inside. When u look at a nice scenary, u close ur eyes, subtly taking ur look from the scenary to something deeper within, the reservoir of plenitude, bliss, that u actually r..... Then my whole being started focusing more and more on seva aspect. Serving the slum dwellers, going door to door, blessing them a gift of smile, happiness and givin...

Guru True Valentine - from my archives

You belong to me as much as God belongs to you, says Sri Sri in me Dated especially for: 14th February, 2003 Originally, I wrote this as poetry on 9th for Valentines’ day thinking newspapers would print it but nothing happened. Today while attempting to sing it aloud, yet another miracle took place, words caught fire; became profound and magical, melody flew uninterrupted and poetry kind of evolved into a Symphony! Guruji I am sure you listened me sing it again and again till my eyes swelled with tears last night. Now on behalf of those who have discovered themselves with your Grace and those who are on their way, I am singing it once again for YOU… Need I know, need I say? You are within, music in chime! Ah that glance into my eyes, Opens my mind, makes me shine! Letting me BE, making me LOVED, Sweetheart mine, tuning me fine! Drawing me out, tapping me in, Springs of love, turned divine! Endless gaze, into the skies, Deep in my soul, is your shrine! So-called friends, all gone by now...

A peep into Shiva's 3D studio

Ever wonder what the Shiva element is all about!!! It was worth the reflection I undertook, surprised by my own observations, intuitive ability accentuated by Saawan must be responsible for what I discovered. An internal peep into my deepest core, indicates some very intriguing aspects of nature of our inner finer subtle infinite being. I have often times heard, that this entire universe is filled with but one element, the Shiva tattva. All layers of existence are Shiva's various forms, numerous chemical permutations and combinations a chemical engineer may like to state. Everything we see, perceive, feel, intuitively infer, touch or get an insight into is nothing but that. Given that everything is Shiva, how does it operate sitting so close deep within on its own other layers , yet at a distinctly distant distance!!! Being an IT professional I call the master supreme's operation desk as a 3D studio, in which all 3 aspects of our growth are happily juggled across in time and s...

Breaking Free - the flow....

It all started from me reading something I wrote the other day, which never got published in one of the places I had sent it for. It came out in others, but somehow I was not very comfortable it being missed out of this one place. Then today, it came out there as well. And it made me smile differently... well some sort of pleasure attached to the fact that something useful that was written, has been recognised. Not sure if the publisher thought it that way, but it definitely made me think that. Thinking about it triggered something deeper inside me. Is it the need for recognition, that drives me at some level, somewhere? For what gets written has a purpose and timing, then why should that be a reason for making me comfortable at some hidden level? It confused me, it made me think at a very oblique level. I think what happens inside our tiny little heads, is lot more than meets the eye. As we learn from our own little experiences and grow out of our own moulds, created out of limited ex...