Deja Vu... forgotten memory lanes

It's like everything encoded in the DNA, a glimpse into what seems to be and is, indicates the entire cosmos is held within यत् पिंडे तत् ब्रह्मांडे....! Think have written about this earlier too, however today while watching "The Forgotten Army" 5 episodes, in a go, it all came back yet again... a peep into the old long lost memory lane.... who we are, where we are, how we arrived here, what brought us here, moments so vast deep and wide all clubbed here and now. Unanswered questions, unresolved dilemmas, what is real, what is unreal, what exists, what does not. Is the shadow real or the light that falls on the object making it shine real... is it a deeper connect with the source of everything within, a short circuit that breaks some wire or fuses to bind another... what is this phenomenon, is it a glimpse into the past, is it a glance into the future... what is really it.... these and many more unquenchable, gnawing thoughts sometimes keep me aw...