Shiva - the substratum

HAPPY MAHA SHIVARATRI 2021...! That which was, is & remains. From which everything has sprung up, into which everything drops back. Eternal, unchanging, continuum of deep consolidated silence. Sense of impermanent permanence. Inexplicable expression of something expressionless. Manifestation of one and only into everything that's visible, hidden, touchable, beyond touch, senses, physical, subtle, dual, nondual, expanse of ever expanding entity. Shiii... Vah...! that which leads us to inner realm of quiescence helping us dive right in. Holding us there for a zillion moments of blemish less truth. Rejuvenating, filling, unstoppable renewed energy in every pore of our being. Making us bloom, blossom to arise with wonderment. Pulling out the WoW from every corner of each cell...! A gnawing spurt of the sharpest. Charismatic magnetism, excruciatingly unavoidable, ripping every binding thread apart. Hurling each element into a whirlwind of an e...