
Showing posts from June, 2020

Guru Aspect

Gurur Brahma Gurur Vishnu, Gurur Devo Maheshwarah, Gurur Saakshaat Parabrahma tasmaye Sri Guruve namaha...! Pranaams to the holy lotus feet of my beloved master who brought me to where I was and where am today and to where ever he may be leading me unto...! For dance to be visible, dancer has to be present, similarly for any knowledge to be understood, to bring one home, Guru aspect's presence is imminent. A bridge of sorts that connects one to oneself, is necessary to be able to guide us from our limited identity towards infinite potential. Shiva the "summum bonum" of this multiverse we appear to live in, that which was when nothing else was, in which whatever seems to exist, exists, into which everything ultimately tends to merge back to, that which still remains when everything else seems to be gone, the very essence of life, life's basis itself, can only be understood with the help of a true guide one which apparently has even higher status than Shi...