*SHARING AN OPPORTUNITY TO SERVE* *one who brought me on spiritual path holds same place in my heart besides my master. only a lit candle can light another, this diwali let us let another random act of kindness happen through us. i just took the 1st step in faith by bringing this opportunity to you. who knows who may be waiting to unlock his karmic potential through us and in return open some new channel for our growth. HE emptied us out equally, filling HONEY and GRACE, let him play any music through us and reach out to whoever HE wishes to put a SMILE onto. Afterall it is HIS sankalpa to touch as many out of 6 billion (less 400 million already touched) asap, who am I to come in between, and if i do come in, let me remain hollow as ever..... * my 100% input in sharing this in good faith, is enough to make HIS divine angels do the rest like always....! may your emptiness too choose to let it happen through you as well....! Jaigurudev...! CLICK and PASS ON.... http://www.facebook.com/ph...