
Showing posts from January, 2010

Breaking Free - the flow....

It all started from me reading something I wrote the other day, which never got published in one of the places I had sent it for. It came out in others, but somehow I was not very comfortable it being missed out of this one place. Then today, it came out there as well. And it made me smile differently... well some sort of pleasure attached to the fact that something useful that was written, has been recognised. Not sure if the publisher thought it that way, but it definitely made me think that. Thinking about it triggered something deeper inside me. Is it the need for recognition, that drives me at some level, somewhere? For what gets written has a purpose and timing, then why should that be a reason for making me comfortable at some hidden level? It confused me, it made me think at a very oblique level. I think what happens inside our tiny little heads, is lot more than meets the eye. As we learn from our own little experiences and grow out of our own moulds, created out of limited ex...