magnet or a tornado:Guess who arrives this independence day to set u free?
Company of saints is prescribed as easiest way to transform oneself by way of association. What we find difficult to learn even by reading and practising over and over again, simply makes a lasting impression in our psyche when we see it being done by a saintly soul we come in touch with. One such bead from Guruji's necklace of pearls is arriving once again in Noida this independence week to give us all, who know him already, and those who have only heard about him, or those who have never had a chance to meet him a big life transforming adventure . Guess who is this magnetic and tornado potent personaility? Smile broader than any I have seen other than Guruji's, longing deeper than oceans, love higher than mountains oozing like the ever overflowing oceans. Yes you perhaps guessed it rightly. I am talking about our beloved Rishi Nitya Pragyaji. I have known him since his past life when he was better known as Nitin Bhaiya. With Guruji's grace have had chance to be with him...